+33 2 40 72 93 82
Walker flooring

Delta Diam 16 puzzle mat

Reference : 03DL0016

Cut into rubber puzzle plates, Delta Diam 16 is ideal for your walker flooring.

Delta Diam 16 puzzle plates make for the ideal walker flooring – made to measure according to your required dimensions – as they adapt to all walkers and can be installed quickly.

Made-to-measure rubber flooring

Our solutions

Delta Diam 16 absorbs impacts when moving your horses, helping to protect their joints and tendons. Horses can therefore be trained in total safety.

The non-slip design of the Delta Diam flooring means horses are less stressed during training. Unlike a sand floor, rubber prevents dust inhalation and protects the horse's respiratory tract.

Product benefits
  • Industrial drawing developed by our design office
  • Rubber cut by high-pressure water jet machine
Technical specifications

Made to measure


Puzzle plate for walker flooring

  • Made to measure according to your dimensions
  • Fits any type of walker
  • Flexible rubber
  • Non-slip design

Delta Diam 16, rubber walker flooring

BIORET CHEVAL - ZI de la Sangle, Impasse de la Côte, 44390 Nort-Sur-Erdre

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